I have been away from blogging for awhile while I tried to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, lol. I have done a lot of soul searching about my art and my teaching abilities. I love sharing my talent with others and helping them discover their inner artist. One day the light bulb went on in my brain and I decided to write a grant proposal to teach art to students with disabilities. I applied for the "Artist in the Community" grant through the Art Council of Greater Lansing. In October I was awarded the grant to help students with disabilities to find their voice through art. This project is very close to my heart! If you have read my previous posts you know I had a grandson with severe disabilities that died in 2013 at the age of 6 1/2.
I have a community partner in the Lansing Art Gallery downtown Lansing, MI. I will hold 4 classes there this spring to kick off the program. Thanks to the grant and supporters these classes with be offered free of charge. Gelli Arts, Stencil Girl stencils and Deco Arts have generously given me enough supplies for all of the classes. Because of this act of generosity the students will be able to take some products home to continue experimenting with what they learned with me.
In the classes we will be making mono prints using Gelli Arts printing plates. No previous experience is necessary and everyone I have taught this technique to has enjoyed it.